Privacy Policy

Amadys, with registered office at 2960 Sint-Job-in-'t-Goor, Smederijstraat 32 unit 12/13 and registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises with company number BE0471.500.469, ensures the privacy of every customer or visitor to its websites. All your data that you enter on our corporate websites and/or product sites will be treated in strict confidence. They serve to guarantee you a better service.

By means of this privacy statement, we want to inform you about the collection and processing of your personal data. When communicating your personal data, you expressly declare that you have taken note of our privacy statement and you expressly agree to the processing and handling of this data.

Responsible for the processing of the data
Amadys, with registered office at 2960 Sint-Job-in-'t-Goor, Smederijstraat 32 unit 12/13 with company number BE0471.500.469, is responsible for the processing of your personal data. In the collection and processing of your personal data, Amadys complies with the Belgian regulations on the protection of personal data, as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) from its entry into force on the 25th
of May 2018.

Nature and processing of the data
With an information request or an order, Amadys asks you for a minimum of personal data in order to contact you or process your order:
  • last name
  • first name
  • title
  • company name
  • VAT number
  • e-mail address
  • telephone number
  • address (street, zipcode, town, country)
  • questions or remarks
You are free to enter the rest of your personal data as well. If you tick “Recognize me” in a form, you no longer need to enter this information for a subsequent information request or order. This will be done automatically for you for the purpose of the ease of use.

Purpose of processing personal data
The use of the personal data is intended to guarantee the execution of the agreements with customers, prospects and suppliers. If agreed, this data will be processed for the performance of direct marketing activities.

Duration of the processing
The personal data will be stored and processed for as long as Amadys considers their use useful. These can be changed or removed at any time at the request of the person himself. An exception to this is the mandatory retention of data by law for a specific period or an ongoing dispute where the personal data is necessary.

Rights with regard to your personal data:
  • Right of access and copy
  • Right to rectification
  • Right to erasure
  • Right to restrict personal data
  • Right to object
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to file a complaint
  • Right to withdraw consent

Data exchange to third parties
The data that Amadys stores will never be passed on to third parties without your explicit permission.

Change of personal data and additional information
To make a change to the personal data, please contact Saskia Clippeleyr: If you would like more information or have questions about this, you can always contact the above e-mail.

The use of cookies
During your first visit to the Amadys website, a cookie is placed on your computer. This small text file only contains the information “language = nl”, “language = fr”, “language = en” or “language = de” and the lifespan "30 days". This cookie will be recognized by your browser on your next visit to the website within 30 days. As a result, you will no longer see the language selection screen and will go straight to the home page in the language you selected on your first visit.

This cookie does not contain any further information about you or your computer. This is only possible if cookie acceptance is enabled on your computer. Disabling cookies for this website only means that you first have to make your language choice every time you visit.